Welcome to United Survey Group

Our professional and expert handling of marine assignments, cargo insurance claims and investigative services supply our clients with the necessary and informative reports required to determine the most suitable settlement.

Our multi-disciplined and experienced staff consists of marine and insurance professionals with various maritime, logistical and claims disciplines that interact to provide a thorough and independent analysis of the loss and/or risk.

Our main office is located in South Florida (Miami) servicing the immediate areas of Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Caribbean and Latin America. Our associate partner is located in our Boca Raton office, offering service in the areas of West Palm Beach, Orlando and the Tampa area cities.

We have an additional Associate Office located in New Orleans area and servicing areas near Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida Pan Handle. In addition our Northeastern Associate Office has access to the New York Tri-State area, including the areas of Philadelphia and Baltimore. We are also delighted to provide our clients with our Newest Associate Office serving the Mid-West Region and located centrally in Indiana and also serving Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio and Tennessee.

Our devoted correspondents complement our coverage in the Western and Southern Regions of the United States, including Texas, Arizona and California. We also travel and conduct services throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.  Puerto Rico is also represented by one of our group members who is at the ready to service any cargo or insurance loss on the island and/or surrounding isles.

USG is a well rounded firm with expertise in marine claims handling, cargo and vessel surveying, adjusting and casualty investigations. Our offices have people that stem from a variety of fields in the Maritime and Commercial Industry including law enforcement, master mariners, terminal managers, insurance adjusters, vessel repairers, surveyors and investigators.

Our experience with a variety of marine and investigative services assist in the understanding of the claims handling aspect. The logistics, legalities and timing of claim events need to be handled properly and professionally. United Survey Group can provide comprehensive technical and insurance experience with a variety of marine services.

We hope that United Survey Group can be of service to you in the future and look forward to being of assistance to your marine service needs.




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